LAHRA Future-Ready Leadership

Mentorship, Sponsorship, and Emerging Trends

Saturday, June 15 2024
11:30am - 1:00pm

Event banner for LAHRA Future-Ready Leadership


Embark on a transformative journey into the future of leadership with our session on "Future-Ready Leadership." Uncover the power of mentorship and sponsorship as dynamic strategies for employee retention. Navigate emerging trends that will shape the landscape of leadership, ensuring your organization is poised for success. Join us for an insightful exploration, equipping you with the tools and insights needed to lead with resilience and innovation in an ever-evolving business environment. An attendee will learn the difference between and value of development, mentorship, and sponsorship and as it relates to employee retention.


With 15 years of HR leadership, Kacey French, a SHRM-SCP-certified alumna of Ferris State University, excels in shaping strategic initiatives. Known for fostering positive workplace environments and driving organizational success, she aligns HR practices with business objectives, enhancing employee satisfaction and retention. Kacey French specializes in talent acquisition, performance management, and diversity and inclusion initiatives. A thought leader with a proven track record in innovative recruitment strategies, she ensures compliance with evolving HR regulations. Active in industry conferences and dedicated to ongoing professional development, Kacey French is a strategic partner and change agent, fostering exceptional workplace cultures.

Todd Michael, a dedicated professional with a background in psychology, specializes in workforce development and empowering individuals facing barriers. Initially a therapist and social worker for nonprofits and state agencies, Todd transitioned to Work Skills Corp in 2018. His role transformed during COVID into bridging the gap between individuals and businesses. Committed to improving leadership, training, and retention, Todd implements systematic change initiatives to foster environments where employers and employees thrive. His multifaceted experience highlights a commitment to holistic workforce development and community betterment.

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